08 December 2008

A Pleasant Morning

I am perhaps the most spoiled girl on the planet. I don't normally enjoy mornings, and I particularly dislike traffic in the mornings. However, this morning as I was sitting on the freeway thinking that I really should live closer to my job I thought to myself, "I really like the song Oh, Holy Night. It is an excellent song. And I'm really glad that someone translated it into English so that monolingual people such as myself could enjoy it." Somewhere in the midst of this pondering I made it to my exit. Just as I got off the freeway the song came on the radio. And it wasn't a cheesy overdone version either. It was one of my favorite arrangements. The last chord of the song faded just as I pulled into the parking lot at school. I turned off my car, walked into school and signed in at the front office at exactly 6:30. Timing doesn't get much better than that.


Paily said...

Monolingual. Who actually uses that word? I am very impressed with you. Who knew you could take something as simple and mundane as "I only speak one language" and turn it into something that sounds intelligent. We should be friends!

Paily said...

Oh, and I want to follow your Blog. Hook a sister up! (As in, I think you need to change your settings so you are follow-able)