13 January 2009

Inquiring Minds

My professors in college painted an interesting picture of teaching. They told us that it was our commission to quench the thirst for information in youth. I assumed that this vision of imparting valuable knowledge to the rising generation was a rather idealistic view of education, but it turns out they were at least partially correct. 10th graders are remarkably inquisitive. I’m certain I answer hundreds of questions a week. I have collected some of my favorites:

Lesson on the Magna Carta
Student: Miss*, do you got a husband?
Me: No
Student: Do you got a boyfriend?
Me: No (This was in the days before I met the Texan)
Student: Miss, do you have any friends that play halo?

Lesson on the American Revolution
Miss, if Mexico and Honduras went to war who would win?

Lesson on the Columbian Exchange
Miss, in real life if you break out of prison can they shoot at you?

Lesson on Greek Mythology
Miss, Does God have a mom?

Lesson on the fall of the Roman Empire
Miss, what do you do when someone really ugly tries to talk to you?

Lesson on the Civil War
Miss, if you were black would that bruise on your leg look as bad?

Lesson on the Scientific Revolution
Miss, have you ever liked Mexican food?

Lesson on the French Revolution
Miss, if we build a Guillotine who could we kill first?

Lesson on the Incan Empire (specifically terraced farming)
Miss, why do they call suicide bombers terrorists. That don’t got nothing to do with farming?

*The kids really do just call me miss. I used to think they would eventually learn that I have a name. I have since changed my mind.

1 comment:

Paily said...

I know, it wasn't a question, but I still laugh every time I think of "it was on paper... and paper is flat..." It just makes me happy. You really do have great stories. Have a wonderful day!