Some don't even go through the pretense of offering a meal. These are the friends you've hidden from your Facebook news feed because every post is about MaryKay. Often these friends even ask you to throw the party and host them.
And then there are the people that add you on Facebook a week before they ask you how many Girl Scout cookies you are going to buy. They ignore you for the rest of the year. They probably know nothing about you. But when it's Girl Scout cookie season suddenly they get all chummy.
It's tacky and it's annoying. A very smart man once told me (really told someone else while I was listening) when you sell only to your friends, what you are actually doing is begging.
Today, I am that friend. September happens to be National Sewing month and Shameless Promotion month. It's true. I looked it up on a highly credible website that specializes in obscure observances. So I decided to celebrate by announcing my new Etsy shop. I much prefer to use this space for trivial drivel, so this is the one and only time I will mention it.
My shop is I make awesome full coverage bibs. If you know someone who has a child in the early stages of self feeding, this is the bib for them. Actually, it's a great bib for all stages of self feeding. Rather than just keeping a shirt clean, it will protect an entire adorable ensemble from collar to socks. I would like to get some reviews posted on my page, so I'm having a little promotion. A "grand opening sale" of sorts. September is also National Coupon month (for real. It's National Piano month too, but I can't really find a way to make that relevant) The coupon code Wearefriends will get you a bib plus shipping for a total of $8.
And, in true grand opening promotional type fashion, this code will only work for my next three sales. So, you know, don't wait, hurry in, buy now, blah blah blah...
If you buy one now you can have it in time to celebrate National Messy Eating month (which I don't think is a real thing, but I want make it one.)